How Nerve Blocks Work to Treat Pain

What is a nerve block?
A nerve block is an injection of pain medication that goes directly into the affected nerve. They prevent and manage many types of pain. There are several different types of nerve blocks. Each person will receive a different number of injections based on their specific pain. 

Who can nerve blocks help?
For patients looking for an alternative to surgery, nerve blocks can be an effective route to pain control. Nerve blocks can help a wide range of patients with various kinds of pain. Commonly, they are used to treat pain affecting the arms, neck, back, and legs. Nerve blocks offer immediate relief, and by allowing nerves to heal, they also allow for long-term relief. Your healthcare provider will help you determine if you are a good candidate for nerve blocks.

How do nerve blocks work?
A doctor uses a needle to inject medication around a nerve or group of nerves. The medication stops pain from traveling through the nerve to the brain by blocking pain receptors. Nerve blocks also reduce nerve irritation, which can help nerves to heal.

What can I expect from a nerve block procedure?
There is minimal preparation before a nerve block procedure. Usually, patients are able to eat and drink normally beforehand. During your appointment, your healthcare provider will numb the area of the injection site to maximize your comfort. You might also be given a sedative to help you relax, but you will remain awake. 

The provider will insert a tiny needle into the affected area. You might feel slight discomfort at first, but it should go away quickly. They typically use an X-ray, CT scan, or ultrasound to guide the needle. After inserting the needle, your provider will inject the medicine. You will rest for around thirty minutes while the medication begins to take effect. Many people feel relief immediately and can return to normal activities after a day.

Following the procedure, it is common to experience pain at the injection site; the pain should subside after a couple of days. Nerve block procedure is typically very safe with low risks for infection or bleeding. If you have any signs of infection, call your healthcare provider.

How long does a nerve block last?
Nerve blocks can relieve pain anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. Some patients will need multiple injections, whereas some patients will only require one injection. At Allpria Healthcare, we know that looks different for each patient. We will work to help you figure out the best treatment for your individual needs.

Nerve Blocks at Allpria Healthcare
We offer nerve block pain management at our Aurora and Longmont clinics. If you are interested in speaking with us about treatment, please give us a call at (720) 307-7246.

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